Our Web Practice

We design striking websites and develop intelligent CRM’s, for smart businesses, whatever the style, sector or functionality. Simply stunning. Stunningly simple.


A good-looking website is the first step to assuring your potential customers that your business is the real deal however, great web design on its own won’t make visitors believe that you’re the best thing since sliced bread.

The key to a website that works is performance – your website should provide your customers with an enjoyable experience and deliver relevant information where they expect to see it. That’s how we differ from most agencies; our designers, design, and our coders, code. Simple, but effective

Our Web Services include:

Our web design mission

Wattis Group’s intelligence-led website design & development team strive to excel client expectations with every project. They work in perfect harmony on everything from spectacular shop window websites, to more intricate results driven development. Our developers are crafters of code and have created some of the most complex CRM’s in the world. Ever learning and adapting their techniques, Wattis Group’s development team are at the forefront of the industry and pride themselves on delivering world class results for our clients.

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